Art & Gallery Shows
As promised, I am reporting back on the "goings-ons" over at The Art Bazaar. I tried to drag my friend Sherry with me to the gallery, but she feigned having to work on some special project...something to do with her wanting to advance her career or something silly like that.
Anyway, it was just as well that I went alone because I got a chance to stay awhile and managed to have a great conversation with the gallery's co-owner and one of the exhibiting artists. Let me tell you, if there is one thing an emerging artist could get excited about in this dreg of an economy, The Art Bazaar is definitely it.
The Art Bazaar is a space managed by gallerist Michael Lyons Wier. Fourteen artists were selected on a first come, first served basis by The Art Bazaar to showcase their works in this bright and open space on a high traffic Chelsea corner. The exhibitors paid a fee of $250 to participate and from what I could tell, received an excellent platform for exhibiting works and drawing an audience in a very respectable and professional space.
Tobias Batz , Damon Pablo , Melissa Silverman
The most impressive thing about the Art Bazaar is that according to them, they do not do any preliminary screening. None. It is completely on a first come, first served basis. That essentially means that, well, "they get is what they get." My mind couldn't help but question if The Art Bazaar is ever concerned that they will wind up with bad stick figure drawings scribbled in cheap finger paint or, in essence, "bad art." But Ms. Deanne Shashoua, the The Art Bazaar's Co-Founder/Director and also wife of gallery owner Michael Lyons-Wier, suggests that the process of giving all artists the fair chance to exhibit adds and element of freshness, excitement and surprise. That fact that they don't know what they will get is part of the appeal, in this "democratically curated" show. It just so happens that the “pluck of the draw” in this year’s crop of participants appear to be a nice mix of styles, techniques, mediums and expressions; balanced nicely within the space. A stand out favorite of mine is Yeji Jun, whose paintings are displayed in an installation of small canvases featuring abstract designs along with whimsical sayings and platitudes.
Oscar Dotter
Yeji Jun
John Kneapler
I speculate to Ms. Shashoua, that in order to apply to The Art Bazaar, most artists must already have self-confidence that they are good enough to cut the mustard at an NYC gallery, because after all no one wants to embarrass themselves, right? Ms. Shoshoua interjects and counters that in fact many artists are still finding their voice, exposing their work for the first time and observing the audience's response---and the Art Bazaar is a good place to help them in that process. She says that the event is also a place for established artists to test out a new medium or technique on an audience.
The Art Bazaar's event was first organized in 2009, out of the gallery's desire to make good use of the slow gallery season. It was a huge success coming right out of the gate. Ms. Shashoua says that the first time the event was advertised they received a line of artists that wrapped around the corner. Now, potential participates must apply online. To-date, they have sold $100,000 worth of artist's work.
One of the participating artists, Edward Eichel, stops by to take some photos of his work. He is a well travelled artist for over 30 years, full of life experience and art tales. He and I get into an interesting conversation about science, agriculture, traveling ...and of course, his artwork. His portion of the exhibit features English Bulldogs drawn in black ink. The Art Bazaar for him it seems, is a way to keep his creative juices flowing.
Any artist who is interested in getting their work out there for the first time, or keeping their creativity fresh should get to know The Art Bazaar. Right now, the gallery is transitioning into its next exhibit, this time for photographers. From March 15-27, they will be holding the Photo Bazaar. The exhibit is held alongside AIPAD Photography Show (The Association of International Photography Art Dealers).